Gicelle is a community leader, one of the Directors of the NGO – Corporación Mapuche Nahuelbuta created to promote and protect the cultural heritage of the “pueblos originarios” (first people), collaborating with every group and nations to find the equilibrium between the productivity and protection of land and the natural resources.
Gicelle work as a nurse and work on her spare time as a organization leader, aiding other families and neighbors to connect with development opportunities such as touristic services, within other NGOs and state offices.
As a local leader she have advocate for social justice and respect for the Mapuche’s settlements and life vision, giving a voice to the cause of a world with equity, social rights and respect for mother earth.
Climate Change Advocacy - Chilean Expedition
Happy City - Criteria for Urban Well-being
Costume Design for Theater & Film - Dressing it Up
Making it Better - Industrial Design
Occupation 101 - Three Case Studies
Prague Stories - Literature & Film
Architectural Treasures - Medieval to Modern
Tradition in Fibers - Maintaining the Craft
Green for Life - Prague's Parks & Gardens
The Glass Route - Czech Masters
The Power of Art & Design - Chile
Digital Art Tools - ONLINE
Watercolor in New Orleans
Write a Screenplay in Prague
Service Learning - Rural Development